Monday, January 13, 2014

Perform: Writing (Cha)

Hi, allow me to introduce myself.

I'm a gamer, a blue collar worker, a husband, a geek, a passable cook, and a lover of all things media. I'm the guy who organizes his friends to see the newest blockbuster, dishes about the latest trashy reality show at parties and actively recruits for the fandom of Firefly.  I’m also the guy who had to re-write this paragraph three times to remove all of the self-deprecation. I’m a passionate person who wears that passion on his sleeve.  I have an aptitude for games, a voracious appetite for trivia and I pride myself on being a good conversationalist.

Should you stumble on this blog you can expect updates once or twice a week (I have a lot of dead time on Sunday nights so I think I can stay true to this) about topics ranging from RPG theory and design to cooking and etiquette with as much insight as I can muster.  I find that I write easier in the stream of consciousness style that you’ve seen thus far, so I hope that it’s not too off-putting for you.  I may sometimes share with you a short story, every now and then a brainstorm for a game design and more than likely the occasional haiku.

My intention is to share with others my attempts to better myself using the skills, habit, and compulsions I’ve learned from gaming, and using the skills I’ve learned in life to improve my performance at the gaming table.  I’ll share with you the recipes I’ve developed to feed my players when running games at home; my attempts to incorporate props, apps, and other tools into my games; and my effort to use the tools of gaming to lose weight, learn new skills, and be a better husband to my wife.

I hope that you find my journey interesting, and invite you to share yours with me.  Next week we’ll discuss prepping for an RPG session from the GM and player’s side of the table.